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Success in any endeavor requires communication.

Here are three points to consider. First point is the source of, and overcoming the almost universal fear of public speaking. Fear of public speaking is a common observation. Most folks are afraid of public speaking. Why is that? Almost all little children get a message from their parents, guardians or elders to avoid talking to strangers. For a helpless child to talk to strangers is fraught with some risks. This message is internalized and carried in the back of the mind of every adult. It’s requires a conscious attempt to overcome the reflexive, primal fear of speaking to strangers or to peers for that matter. Exercising planned practice sessions of speaking in front of public in a safe environment is the best cure to abolish the fear of public speaking. Once a speaker overcomes this fear they become confident. Next they become assertive speakers and unfortunately they may go on to be aggressive speakers. Being a bully is something to avoid.

Second, let’s look at a very successful public speaker.

Oprah Winfrey was born in rural Mississippi. She was born into poverty. She was raised by her grandparent. Then, at age sixteen started her successful life journey. It went into radio, film and TV careers. In 2011 she retired her Oprah Winfrey Show after twenty-five years of performance. She interviewed during those shows about 35,000 guests. Her body of work is documented and video-taped.

Each of her shows was watched on the average by 7 million viewers. That is a lot of public speaking.

Winfrey did more than just public speaking. By talking and listening to 35,000 folks she got to hear a lot and learn a lot. She learned in her own, self-styled, University of Life, from tens of thousands of teachers during her unique TV-studio classroom and Oprah original curriculum.

Oprah Winfrey published five books, sharing her growing life lessons and philosophy of life. She publishes a monthly magazine and she appeared as actress in three feature films under world-renowned producers. Today Oprah’s net worth is estimated at over $4 billion.

Get this, she is universities’ commencement address speaker in high demand. Her academic recognition is in the numerous honorary doctoral degrees she is awarded. Even the University of Life confers doctoral degrees.

Third, let’s watch renowned politicians. A politician elected to public office is a public speaker. He must be a compelling public speaker. President Ronald Reagan was referred to as the Great Communicator.

Look in front of your eyes at the public speaking performances of Donald Trump. He is a fascinating to watch public speaker. He connects with his audience. He interacts with is audience. He uses vocal variety and body language while he speaks. He uses props. He tells stories and he tells jokes. Donald Trump is a skilled off the-cuff speaker who can continue his oratorical performance for hours. Donald Trump is not a methodical president, but he is a compelling demagogic orator. The proof is in his election to office despite his personal shortcomings.

All told, here is a proof that communication is the currency of success. Success is what you may define yours to be.

© Mandy Lender

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