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Exploring the Depths: A Walk Through the Grottos, Catacombs, Tombs, and Mausoleums of the Pharaohs

We haven’t been in many years to the Pharaonic grottos and mausoleums.  Its been a long while since King Tut was on display, at the Field Museum. That was some thirty years ago.

We went down under through three stories of spiral narrow steps.  There is a maze of rooms that are built - floor to ceiling and walls from white carved stones.  The air is warm and humid. The stairs are tight.

A down under view of the entombed Pharaoh mummy from outside above.

Twenty-three human mummies are on display.  Including the mastaba tomb of Unas-Ankh, the son of Unas - the last Phareoh of the Fifth Dynasty.

The real deal. Inside the catacombs.


Below are two authentic displays of 5,000-year-old hieroglyphs.

Below a burial mausoleum with a golden mummy.

Also on display are an ancient marketplace, showing artifacts of everyday life, a shrine to the cat goddess Bastet, and dioramas showing the afterlife preparation process for the dead.

To be honest it was relieving to climb out for a breath of fresh air.


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