The Social media platforms are ideally suited for evangelism and teaching the gospel.
The greatest evangelist of our times – Billy Graham understood that evangelical work and teaching the gospel, can and should be done through every channel and every media technology available.
If you want to do effective evangelical work you have to view the internet and social media as one of your greatest assets.
Here are 3 things you can do over the social media platforms. They are simple, low cost and most anyone can do it.
First - and that is most important – for pennies a day create your own ministry, proprietary, or personal .com, or .org websites(s). That means – you must buy and own your name basedf domain name!
An example is: www.mandylender.com
If I can do it – you can do it too.
In this case be sure to post there your most favorite profile photo that you want to replicate on every other platform. Those SE have uncanny ways of recognizing our face and book it (tag it) with our name in their systems.
Second - reasonable persons syndicate their contents.
That means that they publish their contents fresh and re-purposed contents (with their beautiful face) on numerous popular platforms. If I can do it – you can do it.Granted that Google has 80% of searches world-wide. And I admit that I Love Google. But stuff is also indexed and published on Tumblr (Yahoo SE), Facebook (Bing SE), on WordPress (all SEs) and compacted in Twitter, (if you want to be picky add LinkedIn) to name just few of those biggies. Get on all of these platforms with your profile and message.
As you publish on each of these platforms, remember to include your stamp of existence -- your personal web-site URL (see above) and, or the URL of your significant other ministry web-sites. For example:www.masterattractorevangelist.comYes. Be my guest and visit this web-site. Lots of Law of Attraction ideas.
Third – BLOG. BLOG. Blog.
I know that you harbor all your favorite cherished opinions about God, Country and the Dollar. Proclaim them in public. You get your own Blog for free on blogger.com or on WordPress.com.
If I can do it – you can do it !
And when you publish a blog stamp it on the bottom with your personal stamp of existence – the URL leading to your own personal web-site. Why not?
When you finished your blog tag the words and names relevant to the contents of the blog. And remind bing.com to index your piece as I do right now… Same for Yahoo Search. Last, within 2-3 weeks after the SE web-crawlers had enough opportunity to do their job, all SE have no choice but to follow their ilk and their crowds and index your brain-children (with your name) on their SE!
You can write me via email: mandy@mandy1st.com with your questions.
As you may note it is another one of my proprietary domain names and e-mail address - by Yahoo…
I learned those few principles from gurus such as Al Remetch (an old time Facebook friend), Mark Traphagen (also a Facebook friend) and MOZ (blanking the personal name of the Guru-owner). I owe them heaps of gratitude! Go search their names on Google…
(- as Steve Jobs was fond of saying):
I confirm new friends on Facebook. As the mindset of Law of Attraction directs me – I am not allowed to exclude anyone who seeks me.
© Mandy Lender 2014