Bing knows Chess. Google knows bank tellers
With the ongoing struggle for perfection where Microsoft released to the public its new query AI, aka - chatGPT, it occurred to me to compare Bing search engine to Google search engine.
I used an esoteric question taken out from the world of Chess and Chess problems, known to exclusive group of chess problems experts. I presented to each search engine the same question: “What is Lender Combinations?”
I started with Google. The answer was:
A combination loan is two separate mortgage loans granted by the same lender to the same borrower. Combination loans can fund the construction of a new home or purchase an existing property. Choosing a combination loan may allow borrowers to avoid paying private mortgage insurance (PMI).
Next I asked Microsoft Bing same question. And the correct answer was:
The novelty was introduced by the now famous Israeli chess composer Baruch Lender, (1913-1994). It was published in 1979 as a two-mover showing, for the first time, a combination of exchanged key and threat with mates in both passes. According to the definition this is actually the combination of themes: Reversal and le Grand.
The correct answer came from Bing - drawn directly from the source domain name.
Lender Combinations is a brand name. It is an explicitly registered domain name. Google failed mentioning it even though it is indexed through Google’s own Blogger and the domain name is registered through Google/domains.
My guess is that Microsoft Bing already has embedded some enhancing algorithmic elements that are based on GPT3.
