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Mandy Lender
Dr. Mandy Lender served, after graduation from high-school in the Israeli military. During his military service as a paramedic he was assigned to combat mission behind the Syrian border line in the Golan Heights.
In March 1961 he volunteered as a paramedic to support the archeological expedition in the Judean Desert.
Mandy Lender was inside the Cave of the Treasure in Nahal Mishmar when the treasure was unearthed for the first time after some 5,500 years in hiding.
(Look up Nahal Mishmar entry in Wikipedia).
Mandy Lender graduated from the Hebrew university Medical School in Jerusalem in 1970 with an MD degree.
In 1990 he graduated from the Brennan School of Business, Dominican University, River Forest IL with an MBA degree.
In 1973 he was assigned again as a battlefield physician in combat, behind the Syrian lines, and was injured.
Subsequently, he worked as a physician executive at the Department of Veterans Affairs and held appointments as Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at Loyola University of Chicago and Rosalind Franklin University, North Chicago IL. Presently, Dr. Lender is a volunteer endocrinologist in the Helen M Nickless Clinic, (McLaren Bay Regional), Essexville MI.
Dr. Lender wrote and published two books on the Law of Attraction in the Holy Bible and in Judeo-Christian thought.
He is an active member of Toastmasters International since 2008.
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